Making the most of LinkedIn

At Exceptional Thinking, we use LinkedIn as our main database to get clients. So we thought we’d write some of our top tips to help you make the most of LinkedIn. Create a profile you are proud of… If you had dirty cups everywhere and folders strewn over desks – you probably wouldn’t invite a … Read more

Partnership vs transactional relationships

At Exceptional Thinking we know that if there’s one thing that hampers lead generation campaigns and contributes to their demise from the get-go – it’s lack of communication and clarity. In the world of lead generation, you need to be confident your business is being perceived in the best possible light by those representing you … Read more

The power of testing and measuring

You may, or may not have heard of the phrase “test and measure” It’s an incredibly effective way of seeing where the business was, where the business is now and forecasting where the business could be. It’s also a fantastic indicator of what’s working, and what’s not working so well. We run almost every aspect … Read more

What leads are you missing out on?

Sometimes it can be all too easy to allow other things to get in the way, especially when it comes to making a decision about taking on a lead generation company. Whilst you are waiting, however, you could be missing out by not taking that first step towards getting your lead generation done for you. … Read more

Is lead generation right for your business?

It’s a question that we ask every prospect once we have explained how our lead generation works, every single one of them… because the reality is, lead generation isn’t for everyone and simply wouldn’t fit in with their business model or the way that they operate, In this post – I wanted to provide you … Read more

A day in the life of a telemarketer

Some people’s perception of telemarketing is completely different to the reality of the role; many think it is a case of sitting on a sequential dialling system, pressure selling prospects into buying whatever they are selling – Telemarketing within a lead generation business couldn’t be more different, here – we will be discussing and showing … Read more

Gap in the Market

We’ve been operating within a gap in the market – and we’ve only just realised it! 22 years in business and we’ve only just realised actually, we’re in a pretty unique position within the market we operate in (Lead Generation) Now we have never really given two hoots what our competitors are doing, quite frankly … Read more

What’s wrong with lead generation?

Businesses obviously need to do lead generation to get new clients. There are loads of marketing methods that you can potentially use so why don’t they always work? In our training video, we’ll spill the beans on why traditional lead generation is not all it’s cracked up to be and what you can do about … Read more



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