Should You Send Proposals?

You’ve had a great conversation with a potential client, they appeared really interested in what you do and were all up for moving forward with you. However, now you’re stuck. Should you send them a proposal or not? The answer depends on the situation. There are several key factors to consider before deciding to send … Read more

Partnering v Transactional Relationships

At Exceptional Thinking we know that if there’s one thing that hampers lead generation campaigns and contributes to their demise from the get-go – it’s lack of communication and clarity. In the world of lead generation, you need to be confident your business is being perceived in the best possible light by those representing you … Read more

Is Lead Generation Right For Your Business?

It’s a question that we ask every prospect once we have explained how our lead generation works, every single one of them… because the reality is, lead generation isn’t for everyone and simply wouldn’t fit in with their business model or the way that they operate, In this post – I wanted to provide you … Read more

A Day In The Life Of A Telemarketer

Some people’s perception of telemarketing is completely different to the reality of the role; many think it is a case of sitting on a sequential dialling system, pressure selling prospects into buying whatever they are selling – Telemarketing within a lead generation business couldn’t be more different, here – we will be discussing and showing you … Read more

Why We Keep Evolving Our Process

Our mission is to be the best lead generation company in the UK – and we’re determined to achieve this. And our high calibre clients reflect this ambition. At Exceptional Thinking, we believe that the only way to succeed is to keep evolving our process and stay ahead of the curve. We invest a considerable … Read more

What Happens At A Kick-Off Meeting

The first stage of our process when a new client comes on board is a kick-off meeting.  I think most lead gen companies do this – we often hear from our clients that they’ve spent a long time educating their lead gen company on their products and services only to have the campaign fail only … Read more

How To Effectively Onboard A New Client

Do you on board your new clients? On boarding is the process of introducing them to your business and building relationships with them. It’s an important part of setting up successful and long-term partnerships. On boarding is something we’ve been working on and evolving over the years and we have a system now of about … Read more

The Calls Begin

Now for the exciting part. We’ve built the database using LinkedIn, we’ve started warming them up with some messages, now we’ve going to give them a call and find out more about them. Because we’ve reached out to people on LinkedIn, we’ve immediately got a way in when we call them. Even if they can’t … Read more



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